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Shannon Renee' Middleton - Online Memorial Website

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Shannon Middleton
Born in United States
17 years
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carla missing u November 24, 2015
Shannon Middleton was my best friend since 153rd street school i think of u so much all the time the last time i seen u was at the gardena library wow we both changed i am sorry we lost track of each other i miss u and love so very are always in my heart until we meet again.Rip my best friend 

Thinking of you alot today  Shan,    Cheryl's 20 yr old cousin had that fatal car accident, I know she is with you, you let us know.  I love you so much Shannon


aunt susie

I remember rocking you to sleep when your mom and left you in my care. I remember playing outside and you got so brown, how beautiful with your blond hair. I was pregnet with Lisa and hoped my baby would be so perfect. I remeber how good you smelled when I held you close to me. Your saving a place for us  I know.  Love you our sweet sweet angle.

Candy MiddletonBell


Share your memories of  our Shannon

Remembering the day  Shannon came into the world.  Feb 21, 1977, at 5:21AM ,   there wasn't anything that made my life more complete than when Shannon came into it. She was the sweetest little angel on earth, and had many times  thought that she wasn't "real" That she was just too sweet for earth and perhaps had been sent here to teach me love.   And that.....................she did.    Shannon's life was very short here...17 yrs,  but every yr with her was the best I ever had.  She loved life with a passion, she loved with a passion, her compassion was beyond compare, and her angelic presence brought light to any room she  entered.   Missing her for 15 yrs has been a trying task.     But  Shannon, is here with me all the time.  She will always be my Shannie..forever and ever. Memory is all we have here on earth, but  everyday of my life, she lives on.

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