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Shannon Renee' Middleton - Online Memorial Website

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Shannon Middleton
Född i United States
17 years
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Kelli Barday
Shannon, you touched my heart and you touched my soul, and because of that you will always live in my heart...
Tamara Taylor
I miss you cousin...I will always remember the times we spent together here and I know we will be together again! LOVE YOU 4EVER!
I can't believe it's been 15 years. I cherish all of my memories with you Shan.
Mom to Angel Melissa Platt
I light this candle in memory of your beloved Shannon on her Angel Day, God Bless you..
Regina Monroe
You were the best friend I ever had and I miss you desperatly. I am very lucky to have had such a special friendship. All my love.
Gayle Kline
I only know you through your mom Shannon but through her I know I would have loved you..
aunt susie
I saw you today driving home from work today Shannon. At a stop light, I looked over and saw a young womens big sunflower blowing.
Lynne Fagundes
Shannon....in the arms of her loving Father.
Laura Felix
I can't believe you have been gone almost as long as you were here. Seems recent but yet so long ago.
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